Apps That Hide Photos – What Parents Need To Know


While every parent wants to trust that their children are being responsible with the apps on their devices, we need to be aware of the dangerous decoys that are readily available to our children.  Photo vault apps now exist specifically designed to help users hide photos.  They look benign, maybe even like the calculator you have on your own phone.  But in reality, they allow the user to hide photos with a password.  One of the best things parents can do to keep their kids safe while using technology is knowing what apps they have on their devices. Just because your child is savvy with technology, doesn’t mean he is instinctively able to know how to select apps that are safe and age appropriate.  As the parent, you set the standard for the apps that are appropriate for your child and then set restrictions on your child’s device. While your child may not be hiding nude photos, there is no reason to have a “secret” app hidden away from you…after all, aren’t you the one paying the bill? 

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